Friday, February 27, 2009

bleeding edge HA mysql cluster

I just got back from the Mysql High Availability class in Denver (thanks for the class, George!)
and it's time to implement HA mysql at Mogreet.
I'm going to start with a test setup on my dev box, to see what issues present themselves between getting, compiling, installing and then porting the Mogreet DBs. I'll blog it in case it helps anyone.

First - getting the most recent code.
The generally available version of cluster is 6.3, but there are serious improvements in 6.4, including the ability to add nodes while the cluster is up. So I'm going for the bleeding edge beta version, which is mysql-5.1.32-ndb-6.4.3 as of 2/23/09 - about four days ago. MMm - fresh software!

You can browse the current mysql 5.1.32 and cluster 6.4 snapshots here:

Here's the link:

Here are my configure flags:
./configure \
--prefix=/usr/mogreet_distro/mysql-5.1.32-beta-ndb \
--enable-assembler \
--enable-profiling \
--with-client-ldflags=-all-static \
--with-mysqld-ldflags=-all-static \
--with-fast-mutexes \
--enable-local-infile \
--disable-grant-options \
--with-ssl \
--with-innodb \
--with-plugins=federated,heap,innobase,myisam,ndbcluster,blackhole,archive \
--with-ndb-test --with-ndb-docs

And now it's compile time.
startig about 10:08am... finished 10:32.
There are errors with ndb:
make[4]: *** [ndb_mgmd] Error 1

So I'll install and see what did/did not get built.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

My EV Project: Fiat 600

My Electric vehicle project is picking up speed. Pun intended. The project car - a 1964 Fiat 600, is at Ray's (Performance Apex) getting a rebuild on the brakes and suspension. Important stuff I don't want to do.
Next step is picking the motor and controller.
I've decided to go new-school, and use a 3 phase AC induction motor. In the past years this sort of setup was out of reach of hobbyists, but Curtis has a new PMC AC motor controller (with regeneration) that makes it possible.

Right now I need to pick the motor size.
Here are the specs on the original motor(s) that were in the vehice:

633 cc straight-4 OHV, 21 hp Peak ( 15.66 Kw)
767 cc straight-4 OHV, 29 hp ( 21.63 Kw)
Not much motor. Which is good. There seem to be three AC outfits selling what seem to be the exact same Curtis Controller and AC motor matched setup. Noone seems to know who makes the motors:
hiperformance golf cars
electric motorsports
thunderstruck motors

They all seem to have comparable setups.
If I could get away with this one:

AC-13 1238 36-48V 650 amp 26hp 90ftlbs 6000rpm $2900 ( 21.63Kw/ 121.89Nm)
Which very closely matches the power ratings of the larger of the two original engines, I could get away with less batteries, like maybe 12 cells of 3.2volts each. That might put LiPo batteries in reach!
the next step up would be the same motor and controller, tuned up to run more volts:
AC-15 1238 48-84V 550 amp 46hp 105ftlbs 7500rpm $3200 (34.3Kw/ 142.20Nm)
More than enough power.
There seems to be a question of how much heat build up there would be, and at what portion of full power the car would be running. That might suggest getting a bigger motor. But I think I'll try the smaller one first, given the light weight of the car.

I visited Ray and Lorrie and took a look at the progress. Ray has found and built new parts for the critical areas of the suspension. This little 60o now has four wheel disk brakes (From a Scorpion, which is handy), new wheel bearings, bushings, tie rods, and more.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Working with Pound and Logging

One of the most frustrating parts of the Pound reverse proxy has been getting the logging to work.
The man page indicates that you can direct to standard output for testing, but that means you lose the logging once you close the terminal. Not good for production.

So I struggled to find a better option for our production environment: OSX 10.4.

My first thought was to leave the pound configuration set to log to std out, and send the std out and std err to a file. That looked like this:

#the pound.cfg file:
LogLevel 2
LogFacility -

# make a file to log to
root# touch /var/tmp/pound.log

#make it writeable
root# chmod ugo+rw pound.log

# run pound with output redirection
root# pound -v -f pound.cfg >> /var/tmp/pound.log 2>&1

--But surprisingly, that didn't work well. A few lines made it into the log, then no more. Odd. Gremlins.
So I did it the right way: through the syslogd facilities.
Pound (and lots of other daemons) can direct stdout and stderr to the syslogd, and each daemon can tag it's own messages with two bits of info: a 'Facility' and a 'severity'. The Facility is just a name.

So in the pound.cfg file, set the LogFacility. local4 is a name I made up. It could be "pound4" instead.
#the pound.cfg file:
LogLevel 2
LogFacility local4

Now configure the syslogd to actually listen for the pound logging on local4 by editting the /etc/syslog.conf, and adding this line:

local4.* /var/log/pound.log

Which tells syslogd to listen to all messages from local4 and direct them to the file at /var/log/pound.log.

Next step - restart the syslogd so it rereads the config file. On the Mac you do this by unloading it's plist and then reloading it.

root# launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/
root# launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

And monitor the pound.log:
root# tail-50f /var/log/pound.log

And get.... not much. Turns out that the default filter on the syslogd doesn't show the debug level needed to see the pound messages.

check your level like this:
root# syslog -c 0

It probably says:
Master filter mask: Off

Meaning that the master override filter is not doing anything.
Turn it all the way up temporarily to see the logging messages:

root# syslog -c 0 -d

which turns on the debug level of logging.
Now you should see your pound logging - assuming pound is running now and something is generating traffic.

After it all looks good you should turn off the master filter, and configure a facility
filter just for pound.

Check the syslogd man page....
man syslogd

Sunday, February 8, 2009

wrapping MYSQL queries in Memcached

One huge opportunity for scalability and speed improvements in almost every web app involves reducing the number of requests for dynamic data that must be directed to the back end database server. A great way to do that (for data that is not transactional) is to put in a memcached server, and use it 'on top' of the Mysql DB.

A memcached server is a brilliant piece of open-source engineering from the fine folks at danga.
Memcached is a distributed hash table. You create a key, composed of text, and give it some data to store with that key. You may then GET the data back by giving memcached the same key. It's that simple. Because the data is always RAM resident, and memcached does no complicated indexing when you add elements, inserting and retrieving elements scales nicely.

The basic idea of wrapping the mysql queries in the memcached is this:
1) When inserting or updating records in the DB, also add a memcached entry, with an expiry period, like say, 1 minute.
2) Then when the app needs to recover information, first check the memcached. If it's there, use it, and do not bother the database. If it's not in the memcached (it expired, r has not been set yet) look in the db for the data, and refer back to item 1) above.

Here is a ruby example that very flexibly stores just about any MySQL query.
not printed here are the mysql handle definition (standard) and the code for the dbupdate! method.
The dbupdate! method is a wrapper for the mysql select and update syntax, so that if a record exists, it will be updated, and if it does not exist, it will be added.
Ok - here are the three total memcached methods:

### Simple memcached methods.
def mchandle(namespace="pimp")
begin, :namespace => namespace, :multithread => true)
rescue MemCache::MemCacheError => theerror
$stderr.print("Error creating memcached handle for this thread #{theerror}")
return nil
  def mcput(mchandle,key,value)
mchandle.set(key,value,@expiry) #10 sec timeout
rescue MemCache::MemCacheError => theerror
$stderr.print("Error in Persist::mcput #{theerror}")
raise "Persist:mcput: #{theerror}"

def mcget(mchandle,key)
rescue MemCache::MemCacheError => theerror
$stderr.print("Error in Persist::mcget #{theerror}")
raise "Persist:mcget: #{theerror}"

So - all that is required is a handle to the memcached, and a get method and a put method.
Now here are the two corresponding Mysql methods: wrapget and wrapput.

def wrapget(mchandle,dbhandle,table,what,where)
# totally generic, no set db or ms.
# On aDB hit, convert the result to an array of rows, each row is a hash of columns, in string format, to match how db results are
# cached in the wrapput, like [{val=>"one",uri=>"two"}] and insert in the memcached.
mckey = (where.gsub(/AND|and/,'') +'_'+ what +'_'+ table ).gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/,'')
#$stderr.print("\n in wrapget, the mckey is #{mckey} (where_what_table)")
result = mcget(mchandle,mckey)
if(result != nil)
$stderr.print("\ncache HIT: #{mckey}")
$stderr.print("\ncache MISS: #{mckey}")
result = dbselect(dbhandle,table,what,where)
if(result.num_rows == 0)
$stderr.print("\ndb MISS: #{mckey}")
else #cache the hit for next time.
$stderr.print("\ndb HIT: #{mckey}")
cache_result =
result.each_hash{|x| cache_result.push(x)}
result = cache_result #replace the result to pass out.
result #return result

def wrapput(mchandle,dbhandle,table,set,where)
# totally generic, no set db or ms.
# to make the mckey, strip the values from set, so that hval=123,hkey="shiz" gets condensed to hvalhkey, just for the purposes of setting the mc key.
# to memcached, insert an array of hash rows based on the sql, so "SET val= 'one', uri='two'" becomes [{val=>"one",uri=>"two"}]

mckey = (where.gsub(/AND|and/,'') +'_'+ set.gsub(/=.*?,|=.*$/,'') +'_'+ table).gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/,'')
#$stderr.print("\n in wrapput, the mckey is #{mckey}")
set_hash = {}
set.split(',').each{|item| kv = item.split('=');[0],kv[1])}
#$stderr.print("\n wrapput - here's the hash we are storing in the mc: #{[set_hash]}, it is class: #{[set_hash].class} ")

One interesting thing to note is that I convert both the insert/update and the select from a MYSQL::RESULT to an Array of hashes like this [{name=>"anthony"}{name=>"musetta"}] which mimics the structure of the mysql result set. This makes the cached result more consistent. And you could read the caches with nodes that have not included the 'mysql.rb' driver, and don't have the compiled mysql client.


I'm Anthony, and this is my scalability blog. I have a few projects I want to write about as I work on them - maybe I can connect with other people doing similar work, and we can help each other solve problems.

I am primarily interested these days in building web-scale distributed systems using pure Ruby, Mysql, and Memcached. I have two big opportunities to push the scalability envelope:

1) I am tasked at the company I work for ( with building out and scaling up the SMS/MMS Video delivery platform I architected and wrote (with a lot of help from Blake, and a some pointers from Aber.) This involves buying a lot of hardware - servers, databases, load balancers, to run more of the existing Secret_sauce nodes - secret_sauce is the mogreet Application Server and messaging gateway, written in pure ruby. Over the next months I'll be designing a set up for redundant, high-availability Mysql servers, and working out an application serer -level load balancing solution, perhaps from the nice folks at F5.

2) My personal project, proceeding slowly on weekends, is the p-server. The p-server is a different architectural approach to scaling up a pure ruby app-server, although it could also be deployed as a cloud of cheap nodes. The basic idea of the p-server is to move the relevant portions of the web server into the app server - rather than vice-versa, and use ruby threads to manage a large number (1000? 10,000? 100,000?) of concurrent HTTP requests, which will generally be RESTFUL queries that the p-server will parse and respond to. The p-serve is designed to be a real-time game server, so it's designed to handle large numbers of concurrent players of the game, who are all interacting with the system via different User Interfaces, like social network apps, web pages, iphones, etc.
The p-server has a producer-consumer thread model, where each incoming request is passed to a consumer thread, which runs for a limited number of passes or a limited period in time.
These consumer threads re-use connections to any n number mysql databases, which are wrapped in n number Memcached distributed memory caches. Initial tests (on a laptop) show that the prior architecture I developed for the special_sauce can handle about 20 connections a second per node when performing logic that involves database action (and is massively distributed) the new p-server architecture handles 400-500 connections a second. And there is plenty of room for improvement, in how fast the Memcache client is, supporting keep-alives, etc.
My plan is to make the p-server available to other people as open source software, as soon as it's together enough, and documented enough, to be useful. The p-server relies on mysql and memcached, so I'll probably put it all together in a little software distro, compiled for Mac OSX and FreeBSD, to make it easy for people to try out.